San Francisco assemblage artist Dianne Hoffman will share the secrets of her successful professional practice in a 3-day workshop March 15-17, 2024 in Port Orchard, WA.
Dianne’s assemblages primarily use repurposed found objects and recycled materials. Her sought after assemblage works are most commonly staged within signature vignette-style boxes that provide a visual context for playful metaphors, song lyrics, segmented phrases or personal sentiments.
For this three day class Dianne will share methods and techniques to conceptualize allegorical stories, design and develop wall mounted housing structures for them to be told from, and create the found-object characters to “take the stage.”
This workshop is open to all levels of experience and artistic backgrounds. Dianne will guide your creative process and teach you useful techniques using re-purposed, found objects.
The Elephant Man
Dianne will share
how to scavenge, pick and store your stash
necessary tools, glues, adhesives and altering activators
how to let your objects tell their stories
how to use balance, composition and presentation in your art
Day 1, Friday, March 15
9:30 We will gather in the studio and Dianne will go over the schedule.
Everyone will unload their stash of materials and brainstorm what he or she would like to assemble. Dianne will offer suggestions and help when needed.
We will break for lunch and then return to the studio to create for the rest of the afternoon. Class will be over at 4:30-5:00. Dinner is on your own this evening.
Day 2, Saturday, March 16
9:30 Let the creativity flow as we continue working on our projects. You will probably be working on two simultaneously to allow for drying time.
Lunch at 12:30 then return to the studio to keep creating until we stop around 4:30-5:00. An early dinner will be served this evening as we discuss our challenges and successes!
Day 3, Sunday, March 17
9:30 Time to bring it all together in our final push to finish our projects. We will stop for lunch and then finish up.
3:00 Time to clean up and then share our projects in a Show “n Tell.
“I have a tendency to personify inanimate objects and feel genuine compassion for those that are damaged or disregarded. I see potential in broken bits and find beauty in rust and erosion. The older an object, the more haunting and alluring its ghost. Assemblage art allows me to indulge these concepts by creating dimensional worlds of allegory where tall tales are told, jokes are cracked, emotions stirred, and poems imparted.”
This Art Escape includes
Three days instruction by Dianne Hoffman
Three lunches, one dinner
Lots of materials
The cost of this workshop is $800. A $500 deposit is due upon registering. The remaining $300 is due November 15, 2023.
Port Orchard is the site for the workshop. The location is 9 miles north of Gig Harbor, WA which is listed as one of the most desirable cities in the US to visit (or live). It is located south of Seattle, across the Narrows Bridge on Hwy 16.
The Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter stops in Gig Harbor and in Port Orchard.
There are many Arbnbs and B&Bs in the area. A list of accommodations will be provided if requested.
We will provide
wood scraps
paper scraps (maps, books, sheet music, cards, old photos)
Screws of various sizes
Nails of various sizes
Acrylic paint of various colors
Gel Matte Medium
Small to medium size picture hanging “D-rings”
Hanging wire
Saw tooth hangers (for small pieces)
Heat source (heat guns)
Paint brushes (for both paint and glue)
Sand paper
Water cups (for storing/cleaning brushes in between use and to thin paint as needed)
Hand wipes
Tooth picks
Wax paper
All tools in Builder Bob’s workshop including hammers, drills, drill bits, clamps, hand saws, electric sander, screw drivers, snips, drill press, clamps
Wood glue
Artist Supply List
small notebook/pen
Two Party Epoxy (Gorilla)
White Glue: Dianne’s favorite non-toxic strong hold is PC Products PC-Universal Glue, High Performance Adhesive
Old rusty bits
Broken toys
Decorative home flourishes
Broken jewelry bits
Clock/watch parts
Doll parts
Game pieces
Measuring sticks
Furniture parts/hardware
Organic bits (rocks, shells, next, comb, twigs, etc.)
Keys + locks
Animal bones/antlers
Deconstructed instruments
OR…any little thing that ignites a creative impulse)
Sturdy small to medium sized recycled WOOD boxes (examples below). Dianne recommends each person have 3-4 of various sizes (small-medium) on hand. Note that doors/lids/fronts can be removed to create an open faced “stage” like structure to hang from the wall. Box depth ideally will range from 3-8 inches (give or take)
Wine/food creates
Cabinet/dresser drawers
Jewelry boxes
Clock cases
Cigar boxes
Barn boxes
Dianne Hoffman is a self-taught mixed media artist with a primary focus in found objects and recycled materials mingled with collage, paint and clay. Her work conveys nostalgic stories with impactful sentiment. She was born and raised in the suburbs of Southern California and moved North to become a resident of San Francisco in 1988. The City by the Bay, with its loving embrace of everything extraordinary and endless resource of possibilities, came to cultivate and nurture her creative impulses. She has been a full time artist of salvaged and repurposed components since 2010 with work found in collections worldwide including Hong Kong, Australia, Africa, Europe and throughout the continental U.S. Dianne maintains an abundant workspace at Arc Studios and Gallery in the South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco.
Kathie with fodder she purchased in London
Kathie Vezzani, who is hosting the workshop, also is an artist who paints, rusts and waxes. She organizes trips for other artists and in a former life was a caterer. She has over three decades of experience organizing trips for foodies and artists.